Tuesday 18 April 2017

Top 10 Remedies for Anemia

Approximately three million Americans suffer from anemia, a condition that occurs when the body’s red blood cell count is less than normal.
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-based protein that helps blood cells carry oxygen. When you are anemic, your blood can’t deliver the proper oxygen supply to your organs and tissues.
According to the World Health Organization, males who have less than 13 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter are anemic. For women, the criteria is less than 12 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter.

Anything that disrupts the normal life span of the red blood cells may cause anemia, including a decrease in red blood cell production, an increase in destruction of red blood cells or excessive blood loss. There are different types of anemia, depending on their cause.
Women and people with chronic diseases are at highest risk for anemia. Some of the conditions that may cause it are heavy blood loss during menstruation, pregnancy, ulcers, intestinal disorders, cancer, bleeding disorders, other chronic diseases, or a deficiency of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12. Certain types of anemia can also be inherited.
Symptoms vary depending on the cause and may range from mild to severe. Common symptoms are fatigue, pale skin, a fast or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, cognitive problems, headaches, cold hands and feet, lack of energy, hair loss and high or low blood pressure.
You can easily treat and prevent some types of anemia at home with some simple home remedies. Follow any of these remedies until your hemoglobin level becomes normal.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for anemia.

1. Beetroot

Beetroot is highly beneficial for those who suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency, which is the most common of all types of anemia. It has high iron content, along with fiber, calcium, potassium, sulfur and vitamins.
In addition to providing nutrition, beetroot helps cleanse the body and supply more oxygen throughout the body. This in turn helps increase the body’s red blood cell count.
  • Blend one medium-size beetroot, three carrots and one-half of a sweet potato in a juicer. Drink this juice once daily.
  • You can also eat beetroots as a cooked vegetable or in a salad. Eat the peel along with the beetroot for maximum nutritional value.

2. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is considered a nutritional powerhouse, especially for those who are anemic.
 It is a good source of iron, B vitamins and other essential minerals that help increase red blood cell production. A tablespoon of blackstrap molasses supplies almost 15 percent of your daily iron needs.
  • Mix one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in a cup of hot water or milk. Drink this once or twice daily. This drink is highly beneficial for pregnant women.
  • Another option is to combine two teaspoons each of blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Drink this once daily.

3. Spinach

A diet rich in green leafy vegetables like spinach is one of the best home cures for anemia. Spinach is rich in iron as well as vitamin B12 and folic acid, energy-boosting nutrients that the body needs to recover from anemia.
A one-half cup of spinach provides almost 35 percent of your daily value of iron and 33 percent of your daily value of folic acid.
  • Drink spinach soup twice daily. To prepare the soup, take 1 cup of blanched spinach and puree it by adding a little water. Heat 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil in a pan, sauté some chopped garlic cloves and onion in it until brown. Add the pureed spinach and a little salt and cook on low heat for 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Mix two teaspoons of honey in a glass of fresh spinach juice. Drink this once daily.
Follow either of these remedies for at least one month.

4. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is rich in iron and other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It also contains vitamin C, which helps improve the body’s absorption of iron. This results in more red blood cells and an increase in the hemoglobin level.
  • Mix one cup of pomegranate juice, one-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon powder and two teaspoons of honey. Drink this daily with your breakfast.
  • Alternatively, take two teaspoons of dried pomegranate seed powder with a glass of warm milk one or two times daily.
  • You can also eat a medium-size pomegranate every morning on an empty stomach.

5. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are also great for treating anemia due to their high iron content. One-fourth cup of sesame seeds provides almost 30 percent of the daily iron requirement.
  • Soak two tablespoons of black sesame seeds in water for two to three hours. Strain and make a paste of the soaked seeds. Add one tablespoon of honey and mix well. Have this mixture twice daily.
  • Soak one teaspoon of black sesame seeds in warm water for two hours. Grind the mixture into a paste and then strain it to get the emulsion. Mix the emulsion in a cup of warm milk, add honey or jaggery and drink it once daily.

6. Dates

Dates are a rich source of iron as well as vitamin C that plays an important role in the body’s absorption of iron.
  • Soak two dates in a cup of milk overnight. The next morning, eat the dates and drink the milk on an empty stomach.
  • Alternatively, you can eat some dry dates on an empty stomach in the morning, followed by a cup of warm milk.

7. Apple

Being rich in nutrients including iron, apples help a lot in treating anemia.
  • Eat at least one apple daily. If possible, opt for green apples and eat them with their skin.
  • You can also mix equal parts of fresh apple juice and beetroot juice and a little honey. Drink this juice twice daily.

8. Banana

High in iron, banana stimulates the production of hemoglobin and many other enzymes that are essential for the formation of red blood cells. Also, it is a good source of magnesium that aids in hemoglobin synthesis.
  • Eat one ripe banana along with one tablespoon of honey twice daily.
  • Alternatively, mix one mashed ripe banana and one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice. Eat this two or three times daily.

9. Dried Black Currant

Due to its high concentrations of iron and vitamin C, dried black currant has been found to be a very effective treatment for anemia. Vitamin C enhances the body’s ability to absorb the iron, increasing red blood cells and hemoglobin.
  1. Soak 10 to 12 dried black currants in water overnight.
  2. The next morning, remove them from the water and remove the seeds.
  3. Eat them daily before eating your breakfast.
  4. Follow this remedy for a few weeks.

10. Fenugreek

The high iron content in fenugreek will help maintain the iron in your blood. It also aids new red blood cell production. Both the leaves and seeds of fenugreek can be used in the treatment of anemia.
  • Cook one cup of rice with two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Add some salt and eat it once daily for at least two to three weeks.
  • You can also use fenugreek leaves in your cooking, especially in soups or salads.
These home remedies are great for restoring a healthy red blood cell count in people who have anemia. Following a well-balanced diet is essential to prevent a recurrence.

Tips to Prevent Anemia
  • Eat foods high iron and vitamins C and B12.
  • Take cold baths twice daily to improve blood circulation.
  • Cook your food in iron pots to get increased iron content.
  • Expose your body to early morning sunlight for 10 minutes daily.
  • Include lentils and whole grain cereals in your diet.
  • Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Do not have tea, coffee or cocoa with meals.
  • Enjoy a warm water bath mixed with Epsom salt a few times a week.
  • Exercise regularly and include some strength training to increase muscle mass and fight fatigue.


5 Benefits of Fruits

The health benefits of fruits guarantee you optimum health and a well-built body in the long run. Fruits benefit your body immensely as they are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Rich in dietary fiber, fruits also help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet for those who want to lose weight; they give ample energy and nearly every nutrient that your body needs to curb weight gain, without adding any unnecessary fats.

Moreover, fruits help you to stay away from health complications like heat stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, heart ailments, and diabetes. Fruits effectively fight skin disorders and promote healthy hair growth. It is always suggested to eat raw, fresh and ripe fruits because then you experience the real health benefits, rather than consuming them after processing or cooking.
How Do Fruits Help?

The human body is an intricate system and hundreds of complex reactions take place in it all the time. For smooth functioning of the body, you need an ample amount of nutrients that are supplied by fruits in a natural way. When you become ill or develop any health disorders, these can be avoided or treated with a healthy diet rich in fruits. With a busy lifestyle, our eating habits have become packed with preservatives and processed foods that are not only devoid of essential nutrients but can also cause some harm to the body. Fruits boost your immune system and keep you in perfect health. Eating fruit and vegetables may promote emotional well-being among healthy young adults.  Research suggests that good mood may lead to greater preference for healthy foods over indulgent foods.

Instant Energy Supplier: When you eat fruits, your supply of energy increases in no time; this is one of the prime benefits of fruits that we can utilize in our busy schedules. This is the reason why athletes often eat fruit during and after exercising and why diets for pregnant mothers almost always involve fruits of some kind.

Prevention is Better Than Treating – Nowadays, drug stores have many types of multivitamin tablets that can give supplemental nutrition during critical times. However, it is always advisable to eat the vitamins of fruits in their natural form so that all of the benefits are conferred to you. As is always said, the benefits of fruits can never be outmatched or replaced. Over a 10-20 year time frame, eating fruits regularly can completely change your life and makes a great deal of difference to the health and functioning of your body.

Keeps You Disease Free – The combination of powerful flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals and the countless micro- and macronutrients make fruits very advantageous for your health. The daily consumption of fresh fruits lowers the risk of strokes, high blood pressure, indigestion, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Fruits keep your skin supple, hydrated and nourish it with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, thereby retaining your radiant skin for a long period of time. In fact, if you are tired of using the commercial anti-pimple creams, just try including fruits like berries, apples, or bananas into your daily diet and see the acne disappear quite quickly.  Fruits even ensure healthy hair growth and keep your locks lustrous and soft. Some fruits like bananas contain vital chemicals such as potassium, which helps to prevent strokes, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Fruit consumption basically eliminates vitamin and mineral deficiencies and their associated symptoms. Fruits also have high quantities of water and fiber in them, which helps to keep your digestive tract clean and your weight under control.

Why Do We Need Fibrous Fruits?
Fibrous fruits aid the digestion process in the body. The fruit skins are rich in dietary fiber, which is a major contributing factor in proper digestion and the excretion process of your body, while simultaneously keeping you safe from problems like gastritis and constipation. However, in some cases, the skin is thick, like in lemons, bananas, melons, and oranges, and cannot be consumed by humans. In those cases, the edible part or the flesh within the skin has plenty of fiber as well.
The fiber content in fruit not only has a brilliant laxative effect but also makes you feel full by adding bulk nutrition to the diet. Fibrous fruits also benefit conditions like heart diseases by reducing hyperlipidemia and hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity. Owing to this fibrous composition, fruits also have anti-carcionigenic properties, and are known to prevent colon cancer and fight bowel irregularity disorders.

Fruits Are Storehouses for Nutrients
Almost all fruits have immense nutritional value, but obviously the type and quantity of nutrients vary between types. As the composition changes with each fruit, the health benefits also change with them. The beneficial powers of common fruits are discussed below.

Apples: A good example of a complete healthy fruit is the apple; it helps in digestion, strengthens bones, provides relief from asthma, lowers blood cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps in reducing weight. Read more
Pears: Another beneficial fruit is the pear, which is a good source of fiber, vitamin C,vitamin B2,vitamin E, copper and potassium. Pears are an excellent source of pectin and fiber that effectively lowers cholesterol levels. It is mostly prescribed for infants as it is believed to be a hypoallergenic fruit that is completely safe for young children to ingest.
Grapes: Grapes are also a common fruit that can be easily included in your regular diet. Grapes alleviate indigestion, constipation, fatigue, kidney disorders and eye problems. It is rich in several vitamins and also possesses minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. Read more
Berries: Blueberries, cherries, and blackberries prevent cancer and keep your heart protected. If you include cherries or cherry juice in your diet, you can eliminate the associated pain from arthritis, gout and joint inflammation. Berries have the capability of curing arthritis naturally. Blueberries with high silicon content aid in the functioning of the pancreas and is good for diabetic conditions. Blackberries can naturally control diarrhea and form new blood cells, but it can also have the adverse reaction of promoting constipation. If you mix blackberries with cherries or prune juice, it will not eliminate that constipation. High sodium and potassium content in gooseberries and huckleberries protect the liver and the intestinal tract.
Zucchini: This fruit provides relief from asthma. Owing to its Vitamin C content, it is a powerful antioxidant, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Zucchini is mostly known and widely used for weight loss. Read more
Mangoes and Papayas: Mangoes and papayas are rich in beta carotene. Papayas act as powerful antioxidants with an abundance of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin A that all aid in the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This prevents the formation of dangerous plaque that can result in atherosclerosis, heart attacks, or strokes. You get good amounts of vitamin C from papayas, oranges, guavas and Indian gooseberries.
Tomatoes: You might be surprised to know that tomatoes are actually fruits and not vegetables, although we typically consider it as one of the latter. Tomatoes have a high vitamin content and they are an excellent blood cleanser.
Citrus Fruits: Fruits rich in vitamin-C like oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruits are excellent for your overall health.  Oranges are consumed widely for healthy skin, teeth, gums, and to keep the lymphatic system healthy. Lemon, the bitter yellow fruit, has been used for for vision issues for thousands of years and it also treats disorders ranging from common colds to epilepsy. Lemon juice helps people lose weight as well. Grapefruit lowers cholesterol and has antioxidant properties. Limes help prevent disorders like scurvy, piles, and gout, as well as respiratory and urinary disorders.
Dry fruits: Dry fruits like figs, dates, apricots and raisins are extremely beneficial for your health. Apart from being excellent laxatives, apricots are a great natural remedy for anemic conditions. Figs include potassium, the essential mineral that helps in controlling blood pressure. Raisins effectively treat anemia, acidosis, fever, and sexual weakness. It helps you to gain weight, promotes eye, teeth and bone health. Dates have abundant fiber that helps to prevent constipation.
Do Fruits Help To Lose Weight?
Once you start including a significant amount of fruit in your normal diet, you will begin to see that your weight is being controlled and your health is improving. However, fruits alone cannot reduce your weight. You also need to exercise regularly.
Many surveys done in America showed effective weight reduction after fruits were included in the family’s diet. A person who habitually eats fruits will be less inclined to have snacks and junk foods between meals that hardly have any nutritional value. Also, fruits are composed of 90-95% water; therefore it has a powerful diuretic effect on your body, thereby flushing out the nitrogenous wastes and unwanted toxins from the body.
One example of this is Lychee, a fruit that is a great laxative with a negligible amount of calories, and no saturated fats or cholesterol. It also helps to cut down excess body weight. Except for a few fruits like coconuts, avocados and olives, fruits are usually fat-free.
Fruits in Acne Treatment
Acne is one of the most irritating skin disorders that can affect people of any age. With a good amount of fruit in your diet, you can naturally curb this problem rather than opting for expensive dermatological creams. Acne mostly occurs from skin infections and dermatological issues, but there are other reasons for such eruptions as well. Apples are the best option for treating acne; eat the skin of the apple, which has a high level of pectin that helps with constipation, which can be a trigger for acne. Bananas also helps to alleviate acne, as it is high in fiber that again relieves constipation. Berries have excellent cleansing properties and keep you protected from skin disorders. If you eat grapes during the day, it helps to cleanse your skin and body. While papayas rejuvenate your skin and repair minor damage that you may not even notice, lemon juice slowly eliminates the signs and scars from acne spots.
Apart from including fruits in your diet, try to watch your other food habits as well. Reduce caffeine consumption since it increases hormones in your body and thus increases acne. Cut down on red meat and dairy intake as well, since they aggravate your hormonal generation, resulting in acne. You should also keep your skin clean by frequently washing with herbal soaps and mild face wash.
Fruits for Healthy Hair
Just as fruits enhance the radiance of your skin, they also contribute greatly to healthy, long hair. Vitamin A brings luster to your hair and also softens its texture. If you have fruit on an empty stomach, it will prevent hair loss and premature greying. Citrus fruits are excellent hair stimulants. The vitamin C content in citrus fruits also prevents hair loss and keeps your hair shiny and healthy. Fruits like kiwis, strawberries and pineapple are also known for aiding hair growth.
The benefits of fruit for your hair health can also be enjoyed through hair masks. Melon and banana hair masks are recommended by many beauty professionals for healthy hair care at home. You can also make a paste of lemon juice and aloe vera and apply it generously to the hair. Keep the paste on for approximately 45 minutes and then thoroughly wash your hair with mild shampoo. These packs not only improve hair quality, but also eliminate scalp disorders like dandruff and itching. Avocado has an impressive amount of vitamin E, which is widely known to be very good for hair. Avocado hair masks strengthen hair and delay premature greying of your hair. Coconuts are also very good for healthy hair growth. Coconut oil is used extensively throughout the tropical world for haircare.
Recent research suggests that greater consumption of vegetable, whole grain products and fruits may lower the risk of multimorbidity.
Fruit Juice Vs. Raw Fruits
You may often wonder which form of fruit gives you more nutrition – whole fruits or fruit juices? It is actually difficult to say which one gives more nutrition. Although eating whole fruit is considered to be the best way of attaining the full benefits of fruits, fruit juices are also easy and healthy options. Of course, if the fruit juice is composed of 100% fruit without extra preservatives or additives, then it has the same nutritional value.
Normally fruit juices are available in two forms, 100% fruits juices and as fruit pulp + water + sugar. In both cases, preservatives and additives are added to increase the shelf life of the juice. Very few brands contain no preservatives. In fact, fruit juices are considered to be the best way of incorporating nutrition into your child’s diet, as they usually love anything that tastes good. Buying and drinking fruit juices is much easier than buying whole fruits, cutting and then eating them. In other words, it’s better to drink the juice than to have no fruit in your diet at all.
When you make fruit juice at home, they contain the same fiber content as whole fruits, provided you don’t add any artificial flavors and preservatives. However, if bought from the store, these juices may not have the equal fiber content after the vigorous processing. Moreover, when you consume those types of juices, extra sweeteners and additives are added, which is not the case for whole fruits. Thus, with whole fruits, you can keep your weight controlled. When you make fruit juice at home, try to add the edible skin of the fruits to the juice to gain even more nutritional value.
You have probably come across the term “seasonal fruits”, and as a matter of fact, most fruits are considered seasonal. They grow in a particular season depending on their native geography and climate.  You may be able to get these fruits throughout the year, but they have usually been in frozen state for a varying amount of time. Eating seasonal fruits during the season ensures that they are fresh. Furthermore, most seasonal fruits can also ward off the disorders that come with the season. For example, in India, green mangoes are quite useful for dealing with the heat of summer. Including seasonal fruits in your diet is a delicious and natural way to stay healthy!
We have listed a few fruits below. Click on any of them to find out more details about their healthy effects!
Indian Gooseberry
Things To Remember About Fruits

Try to eat fruits in whole form, including their skin if it is edible, in order to gain the benefits of high fibrous content present in them. This promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation.
The maximum nutritional value in fruits can be derived when eaten raw. Cooked or preserved fruits usually lose some of their important nutrients due to high heat and extended shelf life, respectively. Thus, fresh fruits are the most advantageous for your diet.
Never eat fruits along with your main meal; this can result in severe acidity and digestive problem because fruits are usually mildly acidic in nature. Always eat fruits before or after your meals, usually leave an hour or two of separation.
It is always recommended to eat fruit on an empty stomach, or at least after a relatively light meal. Fruits on an empty stomach help to delay greying of the hair, nervous outbursts, dark circles under the eyes, and balding.
Never drink water immediately after having fruits as it can also result in high acidity.
Fruits should be eaten in the morning, as this helps in detoxification and also aids in weight loss. Although these benefits can be gained by eating fruits at any time during the day, morning is said to be the ideal time for them to have their greatest effect.
Try not to keep fruits in very hot or very cold places, this reduces their shelf life – a moderate, dry, cool temperature is suggested for storage.

Resources: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit

Saturday 1 April 2017

Top 10 Herbals For Mind & Stress Relief

Anxiety and other stress related issues can be treated with natural remedies like herbs. However, most of the people resort to conventional medications that treat the symptoms. But these drugs may lead to side effects. On the other hand, if you are on natural remedies, there are no side effects. Nonetheless, if you are on some medication, you can start with your natural remedies without quitting your regular medications. To be on the safer side, you can consult your doctor before you start taking any alternative medicine or herb.

10 Natural Herbs for Anxiety & Stress

1.    Ginger

Ginger is an effective herb that helps in alleviating anxiety and stress. One of the great ways to consume ginger is to prepare ginger tea by adding crushed pieces of ginger into the water you use for making tea. You can also use ginger while cooking certain cuisines. Ginger is also a great digestive aid and hence it would be great if you add ginger into your regular diet. Ginger is also helpful in clearing toxins from the body. However, it would be better if you consult your physician before starting with ginger. This is because in certain cases the herb is known to cause certain mild side effects.

2.    Jojoba

Jojoba has a soothing effect which is why it is used as a regular ingredient of body products like soaps and body lotion. Jojoba sooths our body and skin and thus it helps us in relaxing our minds. Jojoba doesn’t pose any side effects but still you can consult your physician before you start with it. Jojoba should not be taken alone. It can be used as an additive for certain herbal preparations.

3.    Ginkgo Biloba

Although Ginkgo Biloba is a popular anti-anxiety herb, it is also used in treating a wide range of diseases. It not only helps in improving concentration but also helps in treating glaucoma. Ginkgo Biloba acts like a tonic for your brain which can indirectly help you in combating with your anxiety and stress. Although taking this amazing herb as a natural remedy is a great way to deal with your anxiety disorder, do not ignore the importance of taking your physicians advice on this issue.

4.    Valerian Root

Valerian root is a great medicine to deal with issues like restlessness and insomnia. The herb can help you in getting that much-needed sleep whenever you are stressed out. Proper sleep is essential because it is the time when your brain tries to relax itself without any interference from your conscious mind. Valerian root calms the mind and assists in getting quick and easy sleep.

5.    Bergamot

Bergamot oil is popularly used as an ingredient for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy with bergamot oil was initially used only for patients undergoing radiation treatment. However, research has proved that it is also effective for patients undergoing treatment for anxiety disorders. Bergamot is safe when used in smaller amounts. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before you start using it in larger proportions.

6.    Chamomile

Chamomile is an age old remedy that has the effect of relaxing one’s body and mind. Many people prepare tea using chamomile and other herbs and consume it as a health drink. Scientific researchers have also proved its effectiveness. It is a great solution for those who do not like to start on conventional medication for stress and anxiety problems. Note that, although chamomile is helpful it may not be enough to resolve your anxiety disorder or clinical depression. More intervention might be needed to resolve the symptoms of severe anxiety attacks.

7.    St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is originally used for treating depression. However, evidences have proved that the herb also helps in relieving stress and anxiety symptoms. Many anxiety patients have reported quick relief after taking the herb on a regular basis. As per ancient treatment systems the herb was well known for treating mental disorders including stress and depression. Nevertheless, you should take advice of your doctor before starting with this natural remedy.

8.    Lavender

Lavender has a soothing effect on one’s body and mind. Lavender oil can be used for aromatherapy or you can use it while bathing. You can also make a tea with its leaves. When the body is relaxed it automatically helps in relaxing your mind. At times of distress, a cup of lavender tea can help in calming your body as well as mind. Some people use it on a daily basis, while some take it only at the times of acute stress. The herb also helps in getting a sound sleep.

9.    Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a popular herb which forms the basis of hundreds of natural medicines. The herb also plays a key role in offering relief from anxiety. Studies have proved that eucalyptus oil can help people in getting relief from acute anxiety. People make use of this herb in different ways. Some use a spray made of its oil while some prefer to drink eucalyptus tea made from its leaves. The best way to gain benefits from such natural treatment techniques is to identify the problem right from its beginning and trying to deal with it before it grows into a big disorder.

10.    Meadow Sweet

Meadow Sweet helps in relieving stress induced headaches. You can also make a tea with its leaves and have it whenever you feel those first pangs of anxiety attacking your mind. The herb is attached with certain contraindications so it would be better to involve your doctor before you start treating yourself with this herb. People who are allergic to aspirin shouldn’t use Meadow Sweet.
Do you feel it hard to tackle your mind when you are getting anxious? Do you find it hard to deal with your stress levels? Are you worried about the side effects of your anxiety pills? Start with the above mentioned natural remedies to get rid of all your stress and anxiety symptoms and free yourself from the risk of side effects.

Resources: http://www.myhealthtips.in/2014/02/natural-herbs-for-anxiety-stress.html

Top 5 Home Remedies For Natural Hair Growth

Many women, and even some men, enjoy having long hair. It has many incredible style options and nothing looks better than long, healthy hair. In addition to that, many men and women are forced to deal with hair loss issues. These individuals need a way to grow their hair out quickly so that they can battle this frustrating problem. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to grow your hair to the length that you want it. If you want your hair to grow, you must typically wait months before there is any noticeable change. Both doctors and scientists are still having trouble coming up with an easier way to grow hair quickly, but thankfully there are home remedies that can grow your hair rapidly. In this article, numerous home remedies will be mentioned that will help you encourage natural hair growth.

Home Remedy 1: Hot Oil Massage

When you oil your hair, you are giving it the nutrients and vitamins that it needs. It also gives it a great shine when used. Many people do not enjoy the feeling of constantly rubbing oil into their hair and it can cause skin issues. Instead of applying it multiple times day, you can simply give your scalp a hot oil massage. Use oils like coconut oil, castor oil, and even olive oil can work on some types of hair. This will help nourish your hair and strengthen it. In turn, your hair will begin to grow at a much faster rate because of these hair growth oils.

Home Remedy 2: Potatoes

You are probably thinking, “Potatoes? How can a potato help me grow out my hair faster?” As surprising as it may be, potatoes are perfect for encouraging hair growth. Now, you cannot simply take a whole potato and rub it on your hair and expect results. In order for this to work, you must place three potatoes in a juicer and extract all of the juice. Then, you must add that to 1 egg yolk, a little bit of water, and a teaspoon of honey. Take this mixture and apply it to damp hair. After waiting for 30 minutes, wash it out gently with warm water. It is best to undergo this treatment once a week for numerous months. This is one of the most effective home remedies and it is quite easy to do. You are sure to see results after a few weeks of using this method.

Home Remedy 3: Onions!

Yes, onions. This is another food item that is perfect for your hair and can help it become as healthy as possible. When your hair is in its healthiest state, it will cause it to grow and become fuller. This is another mixture that must be applied to your hair and it should be done every time you wash it. However, this mixture should not be used if you use hair dying products, as it may strip the color. First, take 4 cloves of garlic, 2 pieces of cinnamon, and one red onion. You will need to boil them and then simply let them cool. After they have cooled to room temperature, rub the mixture through your hair. After it has sit for 15 minutes, wash your hair gently with warm water. The point of this is to cause hair to become thicker and to keep the strands of your hair from breaking off at the end. As a long term solution, it will cause your hair to grow longer. It will also make it appear thicker at a much faster rate. By giving your hair all of these nutrients and vitamins, you help it grow faster while remaining healthy and full.

Home Remedy 4: A Good Diet

When thinking about things like hair growth, it is easy to look over some of the simplest and most effective solutions out there. While it does not guarantee that your hair will grow faster and longer, it is always beneficial to your hair and can help the process. Having a good diet is important for many reasons. It keeps your hair healthy and healthy hair always grows. It also appears thicker and fuller, giving it the look of long hair. A good diet to help your scalp and hair consists of nuts, whole grains, yogurts, broccoli, carrots, and many types of fruit. Eating unhealthy foods can give both your skin and hair unhealthy oils that damage it. When your hair becomes damaged and unhealthy, it is much harder to grow and it looks unappealing. This is a simple solution, but it takes a lot of dedication to keep going. If you do change your diet to help your hair with hair growth foods, you are sure to see some positive results.

Home Remedy 5: Vitamins!

One of the greatest ways to help your hair get healthy quickly is through the use of vitamins for hair growth. It is always best to take care of your hair, but taking vitamins can help speed up the process. Hair supplements are easy to come by and they work wonders. You should take daily intakes of Folic acid pills and Biotin hair growth. This will strengthen your hair, while also adding some incredible volume. Vitamins A, E, and C are great for smooth, silky hair. As always, consult your physician before attempting any changes to your diet or before you begin taking supplements of any kind. All of these products are easy to find and are perfect for making your hair healthy and encouraging growth.
If you have dreamed about having longer hair, it is time to follow these hair growth tips. By following all of these hair growth home remedies, you are sure to see results in a few simple weeks. The best way to get your hair growing is to make it as healthy as possible and to use a few of these methods to encourage your hair to grow at a much faster rate. Whether we want it to or not, hair plays a big part in our image. In order to look our best, we must have healthy, long hair. Thankfully, by following these home remedies, everyone can.

Resources: http://www.myhealthtips.in/2013/07/5-home-remedies-for-hair-growth.html

Top 10 Beauty Tips For Fair Skin

In today’s competitive world everyone of us dreams of having a beautiful, smooth, soft and clear face and skin, without any discrimination of a male or female.
Why are you concerned about your skin? And why you spend a lot of bucks for a spotless glowing face? Because face and skin both indicate how healthier, good looking and younger you are, in front of others as well as for your self-confidence.
Do you crave to have a skin like the celebrities?
There are thousands of skin care products available in markets, claiming every solution to your skin problems. But to be very honest, does your skin really deserves chemicals of all sort? We are determined and working 24/7 to provide you all homemade natural remedies for all ailments. Since your health and beauty is the top priority for us.

Top10 Beauty Tips for Face

According to a famous saying
Every affliction can be treated by the Nature except for Death
To follow that golden rule, here are the ” Top 10 Beauty Tips For Face ” in particular and for skin in general.

No: 1 Beauty Tips for Spotless Face Lemon Juice

Lemon is a citrus-rich fruit and has cleansing, lightening dark spots and smoothing properties for our skin. Contains enzymes to remove dead skin cells. Best cleanser for those who have oily skin. Lemon juice is a natural astringent to make our skin less oily, leaving it smooth and soft.
To get rid of dark spots and for having  smooth skin you have to
  • Squeeze a fresh lemon juice with squeezer or hand ( only for face and neck )
  • Apply squeezed lemon juice onto your face and neck where you are having dark spots
  • Let it on for at least 10 minutes
  • Wash out with lukewarm water
  • My recommendation is to do this treatment every day until you see noticeable result in fading of dark spots
  • Do not use lemon juice available in markets because they include preservatives and chemicals

 No: 2 Beauty Tips for Face – Lemon Juice and Egg White

Simple and best remedy to obtain smooth, clear & beautiful skin
  • Make a solution of egg’s white and fresh lemon juice
  • Apply this solution to your skin
  • Wait for 10 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water
  • You may apply this remedy at least twice a week and get beautiful glowing skin

No: 3 Beauty Tips for Face and Skin – Tomatoes

 Tomatoes consist of four major Carotenoids like Alpha-Carotene, Beta-Carotene, Lycopene and Lutein. Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Potassium. Acids in Tomatoes will remove the dead layer of skin and the presence of  Vitamin C helps to heal damaged skin. This wonder veggie is a natural skin toner. You should keep them in your daily diet to avoid risks of many illnesses and improve your skin tone for a younger look. May be applied topically to get rid of pimples, sunburns, brown spots and wrinkles to get beautiful freckle free, smooth, soft face.

No: 4 Tip Tomato Puree for Glowing Face

  • Make a puree of some fresh tomatoes with blender or a grinder
  • Now apply this paste to your face
  • Let the paste on your face for at least 10 minutes
  • Wash face with water
  • To have enlarged pores shrunk and to get smooth glowing skin, you should try this daily

No: 5 Sliced Tomato to Get Rid of Wrinkles

  • Slice some tomatoes and rub directly onto your face, targeting affected areas
  • Wait for at least 10 minutes and rinse if of with water
  • This will help relieve sunburn and wrinkles on your face and skin

No: 6 Tomato and Almond Paste for Smooth Texture

  • Make a rough paste of a tomato and few almonds
  • Mix and blend both the ingredients
  • Apply and rub thoroughly onto your face
  • Wash with cold water afterwards.
  • This method is best for cleansing and provides smooth texture to your skin

No: 7 Aloe Vera, Honey and Lemon juice Face Mask

I have discussed Aloe Vera in almost every article related to skin and hair problems. Honey and cinnamon mask can also be effectively used to get rid of pimples overnight. Without going into detailed properties and benefits of these three natural healers, let’s get straight to the point
  • Make a mixture of fresh extracted Aloe Vera gel one tablespoon
  • Raw Honey one teaspoon
  • Squeezed fresh Lemon juice two teaspoon
  • Apply to face, neck or other affected areas of your skin
  • Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off
  • You may use this face mask 2-3 times a week to get rid of acne and wrinkles
  • Alternatively you can use Aloe Vera gel directly for Gorgeous looking face

No: 8 Baking Soda Beauty Fixes to Exfoliate Skin

We always keep Baking Soda in our kitchens for baking and other food preparations. Only  a few of us know the beauty benefits of it. Baking soda has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce acne. Baking soda balances the pH level of skin to removes excess oil and exfoliate. Make a paste of Baking Soda as directed below.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoon of Baking Soda in Water for making a thin paste
  • Spread the paste all over your face and neck
  • Let it on your face for about 10 – 15 minutes
  • Wash with lukewarm water afterwards
  • For noticeable results use 2-3 times weekly

No: 9 Papaya Facial Mask to Lighten Face Skin

You may refer to Health and Beauty Benefits of Papaya to get detailed knowledge about miracles of this fruit. It is definitely a gift of nature.
To make the Papaya facial mask you have to:
  • Mash few pieces of ripe Papaya to make a mask
  • Let the mask stay on for about 15-20 minutes
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water to reduce blemishes and lightens face skin

No: 10 Yogurt For Brighter Facial Complexion

It’s been proved that milk made products not only reduce irritation and redness but also moisturize our skin. Yogurt contains “lactic acid” that has bleaching properties and brightens the complexion.
  • Make a mixture of Yogurt and Honey by mixing 1 tablespoon of Honey and 1 tablespoon of yogurt till they become uniform in consistency
  • Dip your fingers or cotton swab in mixture and apply onto your face
  • Let one layer dry and then start a new layer
  • Wash of your face after 10-15 minutes
  • Try this daily for skin tone and brighter complexion
Bonus beauty tips for face and skin
Drink as much water as you can, to hydrate your skin and to boost metabolism
Add vitamin C in your daily diet like oranges, cantaloupe,  leafy vegetables red papers, green papers and broccoli
Quit bad habits such as smoking, not having enough sleep, drinking alcohol and coffee
Drink 2-3 cups of Green tea daily, for overall health issues besides skin treatment

Resources: http://www.healthtoppriority.com/how-to/top-10-beauty-tips-for-face.htm

Top 10 Healthy Foods

Eating healthy has oodles of positive benefits - for the body and the mind alike. When we eat well we feel good, when we feel good we’re happier, when we’re happier we’re more productive… and the wonderful cycle continues. Increasingly, shops and restaurants around the world are getting on the healthy eating bandwagon - making it easier for people to treat their bodies right. This list of 10 of the healthiest foods in the world is just a beginning guide - a way to understand the essential vitamins and minerals the human body needs to stay functioning at its best. And as an added boost - these healthy foods are all downright delicious!


This nutrient-dense green superfood is readily available - fresh, frozen or even canned. One of the healthiest foods on the planet, spinach is packed with energy while low in calories, and provides Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and essential folate.EASY EATING TIP: Sauté with onion and add to an omelet for an easy, healthy meal.


Filled with super healthy antioxidants, black beans digest slowly - keeping you feeling full for longer. These little beauties are full of calcium, protein and fiber, and they also taste great!EASY EATING TIP: Think Mexican food! Burritos, nachos, tacos… whatever tickles your fancy.


With more antioxidants than any other nut, walnuts are also brimming with Vitamin E, and rich in plant serums, omega 3 oils, and healthy fats.EASY EATING TIP: Keep a supply in your bag for an easy, healthy snack on-the-go


Good for the brain and skilled at lowering blood pressure, the humble beet is often overlooked as one of the healthiest foods on earth. The brightly-colored root vegetable is filled with folate, magnesium and Vitamin C.EASY EATING TIP: Grate them into salads for a sweet, crunchy boost.


Eating just one or two avocados a week gives you all the benefit of healthy monounsaturated fats, Vitamin B6 and loads of folate. Check with your local grocer to find out when this spreadable fruit is in season in your area.EASY EATING TIP: On toast with salt and pepper, or a slice of cheese if you’re that way inclined.


According to recent research, chocolate contains more antioxidants, gram-for-gram, than most fruit juices - great news for chocoholics! On top of protecting the body from diseases and helping to prevent heart conditions, dark chocolate is a natural mood-booster.EASY EATING TIP: Eat this healthy food in moderation - just one or two squares per day is enough to reap the benefits.


Like most berries, raspberries are filled with antioxidants, to help keep the body healthy and free of disease. Fresh or frozen, they also provide Vitamin C, calcium and iron.EASY EATING TIP: Sprinkle them on yogurt or porridge in the morning to start your day in a sweet and delicious way.


This pungent bulb has been used to ward off disease for centuries, as it inhibits the growth of bacteria, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and has some serious anti-inflammatory power.EASY EATING TIP: Crush it and cook it. Garlic tastes great in everything from dressings and sauces to curries and soups.


Often touted as the world’s healthiest food, lemons have strong anti-inflammatory qualities and can help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have just as much Vitamin C as oranges.EASY EATING TIP: Add a slice of lemon to your tea or water bottle to get healthy and hydrated at the same time.


Last but not least, this mighty legume is high in fiber and protein and adds great taste and texture to any meal. Vegans and vegetarians are often a fan of using lentils as a meat substitute in traditional recipes.EASY EATING TIP: Add to salads, soups and stews for some extra oomph.

Resources: http://www.goodnet.org/articles/top-10-healthiest-foods-on-earth-how-to-eat-them

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

How to Lose Weight Naturally in 30 Days

These are the threshold ten ways targeted at people who are fat, portly or obese to lose weight in right 30 days. These tips and tricks for losing weight are disclosed based upon the suggestions of physicians or medical experts and can be fit for people of outright ages.

Obesity is referred to as overweight. In medical terms, relatives who are very fat and are aching because extra weight then they are known for obese people. Now-a-days this, so called pudginess is referred to as a serious health issue, because sound has become a route cause for many diseases. This abnormality may undertake to hypertension or first blood pressure. People suffering with obesity are prone to high risk of heart failures and strokes. now of being overweight you’re allergic to diabetes. Thus obesity is termed seeing silent killer in the recent days as of the fatal diseases that are caused as a result of it. Though obese citizens deem a high risk of for effected by several diseases they can appear as prevented and controlled take cover some homemade natural remedies, access accord to your BMI respectively.

Body Mass Index also known as BMI, is a simple medical test, which is done by calculating your body weight and height and then applying a specific technic. This measurement shows the digit the weight you have fix on and shows if you are considered obese or not.  If the BMI is anything below 20 – 25 then you’re intentional to be thin, if undoubted is control between 25 – 30 then you are express normal or medically due and if it exceeds above 30, it means that you are obese. And it is time for you to lose those extra pounds, being they onus be risky and you are prone to various touchy diseases.

Despite of the disadvantages of being obese, your body will lose its shape again you may surveillance a lot uglier that you actually are, you may facade humiliation because of this shapeless body and as people having a great shape are esteemed much. You can’t wear your favorite dresses and you have to quit specific designs and styles of dresses, in that your dim body does not shake on you to do consequently. This may make you more worried and you try to shed those unwanted pounds off your body right away. This may go ahead you more impatient and firm to attain weight loss now like now due to possible.

Initially, well-suited news is that the problem importance be resolved but it doesn’t happen in a day or two, unfeigned takes some time to achieve it. So be generous and don’t get twitchy in this concern. It is obvious that, you did not procure weight at once, and so it is not possible to cut off those extra pounds all at once! Obviously, you have gained weight gradually and commit lose them gradually! You might lap up empitic many articles on internet about losing weight quickly in 10 days, since positive device you win takes some time you could lose weight successfully. by following some natural remedies in about 30 days.
Here are some of the top greatest home remedies that help you lose weight faster! These tips are really helpful for you to lose weight as soon considering possible. If you follow these tips sincerely then you can cut off those pounds in 30 days. Following are the greatest tips that are vitality to stage recommended for you to get you a toned again attractive physique.

1. Burn Fats And Calories:

One of the best ways to burn fats and calories weight the body is exercising daily as a couple of hours. Exercise helps you outlast fit and also keeps you from the diseases caused by additional fats. classy technique of a physician is recommended to close any complexion of exercise, which helps you follow a programme. Exercise should be done based on the promote further weight of the body.

2. Healthy nourishment to Lose Weight:

Improper diet also results to weight gaining besides health problems. Fast foods besides junk food which we commonly eat these days produce lot of calories and fats fame the body. In order to get rid of those fats also diminish weight, we should fulfill rid of the shape of eating such chow. If these steps are followed weight loss can put on seen around 2 weeks.

3. Leave Carbonated Beverages:

Carbonated beverages that we get like fizzy drinks, considerable juices get you body and leads to increase in the weight of the build because of the calories that are present in them. Carbonated beverages authority be replaced by mediocre reaction juices which are choice in nutrition besides contains unhappy calories which keep you fit.

4. Eating vegetables to lose weight:

Fiber contents, proteins and vitamins that are present in the vegetables help you stay blooming. Appetite can be maintained by replacing meals with steamed vegetables in which there are dispirited calories but rich in tuck. This habit helps you lose weight and look fit.

5. Eating fruits to lose weight:

Carbonates, Vitamins, Proteins also fiber contents are rich in fruits which help access increasing the eats levels. Fruits believe alike advantages as vegetables which help in maintaining health besides suppress the appetite. Fruits can be replaced squirrel meals in order to maintain down-hearted calorie intake further prime nutrition.

6. Avoid snacks to lose weight:

Having snacks due to and then further leads dominion weight score and add extra calories and fats that are harmful to the body. This makes the body unformed. Avoiding such snacks fancy finger chips, cookies, burgers etc  help you outline the extra fats besides keeps you just and healthy.

7. Eradicate eating sugar lose weight fast:

Sugar also produces an heavier fatty substance in the physique that makes you unfit and causes health problems. Reducing intake of rare substances helps you maintain the frame. making a habit nice follow through sway or jig irrevocable kiss keeps you fitting besides away from fats which causes weight gain.

8. Deteriorate sodium lose weight:

Salt contains upraised amounts of sodium that affect the body causing weight gain. Limiting the intake of salty substances in table that we bring daily reduces water hold that makes you look fat. countless researches also proved that extrinsic sodium causes weight gain, to lose weight care should be taken in eating biting substances.

9. Herbal Tea to lose weight:

Antioxidants that is present in the herbal tea helps in fat beaming process. It is available anywhere supremacy the market, having herbal kegger astray adding sugar to material shows best results in weight loss. Toxins also calamitous nitrogenous waste present mastery the body are pulled surface by having herbal tea or green kegger leading to lose excess weight.

10. seeing Natural:

Keeping yourself humdrum also helps in the weight loss process. We should not be lazy watching television or playing computer games which leads to weight gain. Avoiding use of machines that reduce application have fun elevators, escalators etc makes you perform some physical actions scrap to inflame fats. Daily walk after meals keep you germane and healthy.

The weight loss tips that are mentioned about are very useful in shedding those and pounds, but you have to follow the tips with lot of anger and know-how. It is a very gradual scene so never lose headquarters or get depressed.

Shedding weight is not a tough process but maintaining this toned physique inevitable on is a acutely effortful career. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the above tips and tricks to reduce weight credit germane 30 days. pride out the unlikeness unreduced by yourself meeting sequential the natural tips.
I wish I could buy delivered the tips properly and hopefully they could assistance you lose weight! cupidity you integrated a very good health! Come back to us again to asset out more useful health tips, consideration of health issues and natural remedies.

Remember to share these health tips with your beloved ones, because sharing is helping others to be vigorous.

Resources: http://www.myhealthtips.in/2013/06/top-10-weight-loss-tips-how-to-lose-weight-naturally-in-30-days.html